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South Placer South Sutter Fair Share Funding Analysis

In June 2009, Placer and Sutter counties entered into a mutual settlement agreement relating to the Placer Vineyard and Sutter Pointe Specific Plans. This agreement requires Placer and Sutter counties to establish a program of credits and reimbursements consistent with fair share mitigation requirements for its out-of-jurisdiction traffic impacts, including impacts on State freeways and highways, from the specific plans being developed within each respective County. 

A Memorandum of Understanding executed in October 2020 between the City of Roseville, Placer County, Sutter County, and PCTPA directed PCTPA to facilitate a mutually agreed upon scope and structure for a fair share transportation funding program for the South Placer and South Sutter region. 

 In February 2023, PCTPA contracted with DKS Associates to develop a fair share funding analysis that ensures future development within the South Placer and South Sutter region contributes their fair share towards the cost of additional infrastructure needed to mitigate cumulative regional transportation impacts attributable to new development.  The fair share analysis Final Report was completed and accepted by the PCTPA Board of Directors in October 2024.

South Placer-South Sutter Regional Transportation Fair Share Analysis Final Report, October 2024